this is the sex ed class you wish you actually got – at a time in your life when you can actually use it

The Girl’s Guide To Hormones
It’s the Sex Ed Class you always wish you had, but at a time in your life when you can actually use the information from it to understand what is going on.
From understanding stress and burnout to PMS and your thyroid, plus those ovarian hormones like estrogen and progesterone, the Girl’s Guide To Hormones is exactly what you need to finally answer the question “is that my hormones?”
If you feel more confused than ever when it comes to your period and your hormones…
You are NOT alone!
We’re constantly inundated with quick fixes, promises, and health advice but it seems like noone has ever sat down and explained to us what exactly is going on. The Girl’s Guide To Hormones is designed to give you a literal understanding of your body and how to support it. With knowledge, change, and better health.
It’s not all in your head, friend.
I know this because I’ve heard it from just about every single one of my patients.
Imagine feeling balanced and vibrant more days of the month than not. Imagine understanding why your body is feeling the way it’s feeling. Imagine feeling balanced emotionally. Imagine understanding your burnout cycle and what it means for your health.
Imagine the possibility that knowledge can bring.

The Girl’s Guide To Hormones
You deserve more than “band-aid solutions” for your hormone concerns.
If you’re here, you probably don’t want a quick fix, a pill, or a supplement tossed at you. Those are helpful, and they both have their place – but it doesn’t matter if it’s medication or natural supports, taking something without understanding “why” doesn’t help us manage our own health.
At The Superwoman Code, we believe that with knowledge comes execution. You probably know that 3 in 4 women suffer from PMS and 85% of women suffer from period pain every single month. You probably know that you’re not supposed to go through this, but you’re overwhelmed by the quick fixes, the opinions, and the “this worked for me” approach that’s so easy to find online.
We believe that you’re worth more than that because we believe in teaching you how to understand your own body and roll with those punches with ease. We’ll teach you about your Burnout Bank Account, the Hormone Triangle that sets you up for success (or tells you when to take a break), and make the shift so easy and approachable that you’ll start implementing them after the first module.
You deserve to have your health work for you, and we believe that comes with understanding exactly what might be going on.
Understand What Your Symptoms Mean
You can finally get insight into your hormones by connecting how you’re feeling with what is actually going on.
Learn How To Nourish Your Body
Ditch the restriction mentality with our Cornerstone Approach of Sleep, Fuel, Movement & Boundaries, and we’ll teach you how to support your body for true hormone wellness.
Support Your Hormone Wellness
Get to the root of your symptoms by piecing together the triangle of hormones that give you balance. From the adrenals to your ovaries to your thyroid, we’ll teach you how to bring them all into balance.
Understand How Your Hormones Influence Your Burnout Potential (and what to do about it)
Your hormones are a superpower, and working with your menstrual cycle is the key to preventing burnout. We’ll teach you how to manage your energy in a way that works with you, not against you.

I’ve been there.
I’ve downloaded the apps, seen the practitioners, listened to all the Facebook and Instagram lives, and all I came away with was this little empty part of my heart asking me “so, how does this apply to my own life?”
I wanted to understand it.
So I got to work. Researching everything, seeing thousands of patients through every stage of hormone health from teenagers to the reproductive years, to perimenopause and post-menopause. I’ve combed through the research papers so that you don’t have to. Because at the end of the day, my job with patients isn’t to prescribe something, it’s to teach you what your symptoms actually mean.
And over the last two years, I put together this course to teach y’all the same thing.
1. What does this mean?
2. How does this apply to my own life?
Cannot Recommend This Course Enough!
I was tired of being told to take something without someone sitting down with me to explain what was happening. And I found the answers I was looking for with this course! I love how easy and approachable it was, and how not overwhelming the information was. I was able to have great conversations with my own medical team about how we could work to support my health based off all the information Dr. Ashley provided. I feel like I have the know-how to take charge, and it FEELS SO GOOD.
Emily Schofield
Moncton, New Brunswick

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Dr. Ash…
I’m obsessed with hormones, burnout, and making complicated conversations (relatively) easy to understand.
I’m a Naturopathic Doctor by trade, and I spend my days teaching women how to harness their hormones to make their health work for them, and not against them. I believe that my job is to teach and educate, and that’s what I’ve tried to do in this course. My aim is that it’s filled with golden nuggets through which you go “ohhhhh, that makes sense now” and not go “ugh – I already knew that.”
At the end of the day, I believe that the best thing we can do for our health is to be consistent.

3 Myths You Need To Break Up With Right Now To Finally Support Your Hormones
MYTH: I'm SO overwhelmed already, I don't have TIME to do this!
You don’t have time to do all the research, the Google searches, the PubMed late-night dive-ins, or read one of the many self-help books you have on your shelf. You definitely don’t have time to weed through the information to discern fact from opinion either.
That’s why we did the work for you.
Having healthy hormones means your moods are stable, your energy is high and your focus and productivity are through the roof!
You aren’t spending days in bed, calling in sick to work.
You aren’t mopping up relationship spills for a week of every month.
And you aren’t spending time breathing through the latest hit of anxiety.
You’re actually living life on your own terms because your health is working for you – not against you.
MYTH: This is going to be expensive - new groceries, new skincare products, new tupperware containers
Balanced Hormones = Balanced Health.
The things you can show up and do every day are more important than flashy things. While overhauling your fridge and coordinating everything in see-through containers might feel great, it’s probably not sustainable long term. We’re focused on teaching you how to tweak and add to your life, not cause more stress. With the right roadmap, you can focus on increasing your intake of inexpensive everyday foods to support your hormonal picture, and with individualized information, you’ll have the confidence to know what you need and don’t need.
MYTH: I've tried everything and it hasn't worked.
That’s frustrating. Really frustrating.
And something I’ve heard from hundreds of my patients as we start to work together.
We’re not giving you a “one size fits all plan” with a million things to do and take.
We’re teaching you how to strategically put together the tools that will probably work best for you, and weed out the rest.
Plus, healthy hormones take time. None of these 4-week cleanses, or 8-week reboots. We’re playing the long-term game.
It’s not quite as quick as a little bit of bibbity bobbity boo, but you also don’t have to worry about the clock striking at midnight.
I want you to imagine your new normal…
Imagine understanding how your energy is going to be before you wake up.
Imagine your period arrives smoothly and on time, with no symptoms and no pain.
Imagine feeling vibrant and energized throughout your cycle.
Imagine your moods are stable throughout the entire month and your relationships are thriving.
Imagine supercharging your fertility to promote a natural, healthy conception whenever you are ready.
Imagine finally feeling in tune with your body.
Imagine getting your time back to get better results at work, make more money, and have better outcomes.
It is actually possible.
You can actually do it.
And we’d love to give you the tools to create that contentment in your own life.
What You’ll Learn

The Thyroid & Stress Cycles
Gain a true understanding of your adrenal glands and the role they play in helping you manage your stress. Build on that knowledge by then incorporating how your thyroid is affecting your metabolism, your energy, and your weight.
- A unique understanding of how your body uses energy, how to contextualize where your energy is going and why stress leaves you feeling oh-so-tired.
- The stress response and how to make adrenaline work for you (without burning out!)
- The thyroid response and why muscle mass matters
The Ovarian Hormones & Insulin Resistance
Build on the knowledge gained from your foundation of stress management to now understand your ovarian hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and how they affect your health. We bring insulin resistance and testosterone into this conversation as well.
- Understand how your body builds estrogen from the ovaries, and why it’s so important!
- Break the myth of “estrogen dominance” and actually learn how to support your hormones by supporting ovulation
- Differentiate what happens to the ovaries during perimenopause and learn the symptoms so you can support yourself better through menopause
- Support your insulin production to reduce the creation of visceral fat (that stuff that hangs on to your middle that doesn’t feel good)


Support Your Sleep & Manage Your Burnout Potential
There’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep, especially for our hormones. Good sleep is also one of the biggest deposits we need to help us manage our Burnout Bank Account. We’ll teach you how to support your burnout, how to support your hormones, and how cycle-syncing can decrease your burnout potential.
- Define your Burnout Bank Account, and prioritize your deposits and your withdraws to manage your energy
- Learn what cycle-syncing means for managing your energy
- Support your sleep by increasing your “core sleep” and learn how hormonal shifts can influence this axis.
Take the mystery out of your menstrual cycle friends.
Whether you’re taking a birth control pill, have an IUD or other contraceptive device or are just figuring out what your normal looks (and feels) like you’ll find information to support your health every step of the way.
The Essential Hormone Resources Pack
Along with those 9 modules, I couldn’t resist adding even more value…

Bonus Offer One
The Cycle-Syncing Guide For Busy Women.
Our downloadable, and editable ebook helps you manage your energy and decrease your burnout by using your hormones to your advantage.

Bonus Offer Two
The Burnout Roadmap.
A part of our Burnout Blueprint Course, this roadmap helps bring you back from burnout, one week and one month at a time.

Bonus Offer Three
Nine meticulously created e-books elevate each of our modules to the next level. From recipe guides to meal planning, to sleep support and more, these e-books will change your life!

You don’t need a fairy godmother to create a life you love, you just need your health to start working for you and not against you.
Best Value
one time payment of
$129 CAD
flexible payments
4 payments of
$40 CAD
Wait – Why So Cheap?
We got really tired of seeing people sell courses that were OODLES of money, but with cost savings of the thousands. You know – that whole “all this information is worth over $3600, and it’s a steal to get it for $659!” Yeah. We feel the same way you do about these “marketing techniques.” We’re sure they work, but they’re just not aligned with our values.
So we priced this at this level to make it EASY for you to build into your budget, and to ensure you feel like you didn’t spend a lot of money on something that wasn’t worth it. My hope is that you walk away feeling like it would have been worth it if you spent way more $$$$ on the course.
We’re all about overdelivering because at the end of the day we want this information in your hands so that you can make your health work for you, and not against you.
Period. (Pun Intended)

“Completely Worth It”
I started following Dr. Ashley on Instagram, and then became (slightly) obsessed with her podcast. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her course because I knew it would be filled with all of these tidbits of knowledge.
I love how she just makes everything so. easy.
Kristen MacDonald
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Have a question?
These might help answer those burning questions at the back of your head!
When Does The Course Start?
The course starts the moment you enroll. All nine modules are available from the moment you open up your email, and everything you need is at your fingertips in the first few minutes.
I'm based in Canada/Australia/the UK/ Europe/USA/Mars - can I still join?
The Girl’s Guide To Hormones is a 100% online hormone course, meaning you can access it from anywhere, anytime, on any device.
How long will it take to see results?
This is about the long game, not the short game. If you want a 4- detox then this is not the place for you. If you want strategies and tools to build healthy choices for your body into your life – I’m glad you’re here. This is all about sustainability and consistency.
How will this course be individualized to my needs?
We’ve built questionnaires and supports into every stage of this course, with unique supports for each of the trends you would expect to find. Furthermore, we’ve given you supporting documents to bring to your medical team to help you get the help you want (and need!). We can’t give you any individualized medical advice because that wouldn’t be smart having never met you – but we’ll educate you on how to interpret what’s going on.
I'm already so busy. How many hours will I need to invest each week?
Girl. I see you, and I feel you. I’m busy too! That’s why this course is designed as self-paced modules. No rushing, no deadlines, no stress. Just knowledge at your fingertips. At the end of each session, there are three action items you can choose to implement before moving on to the next module. How you choose to do that defines how many hours you put in.
Do you have a return policy?
The entirety of the course is available the moment you sign in. A purchase is considered a final sale and not eligible for refunds.
“I just had the best conversation with my doctor!
I’ve never known the right questions to ask, and have always been frustrated with doing testing and everything coming back “fine”. Now I know what tests to discuss with my doctor, and when in my cycle I should be doing them. I finally feel like I’m able to speak the same language, and I feel so hopeful now!
Amy North
Calgary, Alberta

Make your health work for you, not against you.
Good health takes time, and we get that. We’re cheering you on every step because when you feel better you are better.
Best Value
one time payment of
$129 CAD
flexible payments
4 payments of